Our world is 70% water. Our body is 70% water. Both are drying up.
When Your Water is BAD… Do You Hear About it?
Rounding up Roundup: A Witches’ Brew of Contamination Glyphosate and Fluoride make lead problems in water worse. To make matters worse, widespread glyphosate use can make water more effective when it comes to stripping lead from pipes.
Why You May Not Be Drinking enough Water. Just a Theory!
AlkaWay Founder Ian Blair Hamilton discusses the reason so many of us DON’T drink enough water.
Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimers: A Good Video
A very worthy video on Alzheimers and Ketogenic / Low Carb Diet.
Are you 23% Healthy or…
Forget about the elections, climate change or Covid! Think about what this means in terms of the health of a nation! TERRIBLE results for USA health conditions.
I’m Tired Of Talking About Hydration When Nobody Listens!
Whay is drinking enough water so hard? Why is something so basically imporatnt soemthing so hard to do?
Immunity: What EVERYONE is worried about.
Immunity and Molecular Hydrogen: The answers.
Again and again and again! Molecular hydrogen Studies show just how amazing it is for us!
Er.. wait a minute.. did I hear right? Hydrogen water does the same as coffee without the caffeine?
New Study: Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults.
It’s about time we had a study of healthy people and H2 because we have healthy people asking us every day about the effect molecular hydrogen water.
How long will Molecular Hydrogen Last in Water?
How long will Molecular Hydrogen Last in Water? A tabulation of results