Why is the UltraStream more expensive than most water filters?
Just when you thought it was safe to eat…. Obesegens are here!
We are drenched with ‘fixit’ messages here on the web. Eat less, exercise more. But how come we constantly hear of people doing just that and hey, they still pack the pounds?
Be kind to your skin. It’s the only one you’ve got!
When is ‘natural skin care’ natural? Never!
Hangovers and Hydrogen Water: Can it help?
Can hydrogen water help a hangover? Yes.. but..
Be Like Water
We need water. We all accept that without water, we can only live a matter of days — that’s how critically our body relies on water to survive.
SO many people cutting down on healthcare expenses. Are you one?
8 million in US skipped treatment or cut back on essentials to pay for healthcare this year. How about You?
Ultra Processed food / Ultraprocessed water: is there a difference for your health?
New study links ultraprocessed foods to premature deaths. But.. what about water?
Why coffee tastes better with UltraStream water.
What makes one coffee shop’s coffee better than another? Find out.. and learn how to make the very best coffee at home!
Are You Drinking Parasites in Your Drinking Water?
Be aware of the dangers of water-borne parasites. And remember, we’re not just talking about pools. We are also talking about the water from your tap, especially if you are on tank water.
Coffee and your Mouth. Very Important to Know!
Make it Easy to stay balanced. We eat alkaline foods for their alkaline mineral content, so why not simply eat the alkaline minerals our body needs instead? Too simple.