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Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know. cover

Rain Water vs. Town Water. All You Need To Know.

So.. why is most of our tap water. reticulated through pipes to our home, alkaline? It’s nothing to do with nature. It’s to do with the need to counter further acidity caused by the acidic chemicals we use to kill bugs in the water.

PFAs in your water? Do you know?

PFAs in your water? Do you know?

In the last half decade, the ’new’ toxin known as PFAS is in our sights. It’s in the public domain, having been hunted out of corporate secret cellars. And it’s one more growing concern with our drinking water.. but that’s not the only place you’ll find it.

A Few Words from Erin Brokovich that just About Summarize why you need the best water filter you can afford. Now.

A Few Words from Erin Brokovich that just About Summarize why you need the best water filter you can afford. Now.

“We are in a water crisis beyond anything you can imagine. Pollution and toxins are everywhere, stemming from the hazardous wastes of industry and agriculture. We’ve got more than 40,000 chemicals on the market today with only a few hundred regulated. We’ve had industrial byproducts discarded into the ground and into our water supply for years. This crisis affects everyone – rich or poor, black or white, Republican or Democrat. Communities everywhere think they are safe when they are not.

PFAS, PFOAS: What you need to know.

PFAS, PFOAS: What you need to know.

Chemical contaminants called PFAS, toxic to humans at minuscule doses, are the peak of the iceberg in threats to groundwater internationally.