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Water is our Life

Water is our Life

Think about a life without water.. then ask yourself how you use it.

Would You Trust Siemens the Corporation?

Would You Trust Siemens the Corporation?

SANFORD — More than three dozen former factory workers have settled their multimillion-dollar five-year legal battle against Siemens Corp. and General Dynamics Corp. over toxins they allege the companies carelessly dumped into drinking water, causing them to develop cancer.

Bushfires, Floods and your water, and Coronavirus (COVID-18) strategies.

Bushfires, Floods and your water, and Coronavirus (COVID-18) strategies.

We look at the problems that we have right now with our water supplies. This relates to (in particular) the results of fire and flood in New South Wales and Queensland although it will most likely relate very soon to West Australia. We then take a look at CoronaVirus and water.

The Attacking Bear and Your Health.

The Attacking Bear and Your Health.

You have staked a claim on some amazing pristine land. You plan to bring out the family as soon as you have a cabin built. You’ll plant food, hunt, fish, and you can already picture your beloved cooking dinner on the open fire in the cosy, warm cabin. There’s just one rather large problem. The bears.