Can drinking high level molecular hydrogen water help my veins?

Can drinking high level molecular hydrogen water help my veins?
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Graphene Oxide: a new water contaminant and how we MIGHT get rid of it.
Tywon Hubbard is our alltime expert on molecular hydrogen, H2, and alkaline water. He researches to such a degree that I believe everything he says.
How senior Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials side with industry and expose us to dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals.
What if that lack of energy, that lethargy and those aches and pains were simply because you aren’t drinking sufficient WATER?
The next step in everyone’s health transformation is about balance… alkaline blance
In a study published in September in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease scientists show the MIND diet can slow cognitive decline and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease dementia.
In the last half decade, the ’new’ toxin known as PFAS is in our sights. It’s in the public domain, having been hunted out of corporate secret cellars. And it’s one more growing concern with our drinking water.. but that’s not the only place you’ll find it.