What if I told you that 70% of YOU: that is, the water that makes up ‘YOU”, is older than the earth itself? That ALL water on Earth is older than the planet?

What if I told you that 70% of YOU: that is, the water that makes up ‘YOU”, is older than the earth itself? That ALL water on Earth is older than the planet?
You really do need to take notice of Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in your water. The sooner the better.
Glphosate: Residues were present in bone, marrow, blood and glands including the thyroid, testes and ovaries, as well as major organs, including the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen and stomach. Learn more.
There’s no way to fully estimate how this negligence has impacted North Carolinians. What we do know is that exposure to PFAS chemicals has been associated with a variety of negative health effects
Can prolonged consumption of Diet Soda give us dementia? This study says so! And we’re also telling you what you can drink instead.. with equal slim-power!
When you understand how alkalinity occurs in the body, you’ll be able to separate fact from fiction — and be healthier in the process.
Amazing study of the effects of molecular hydrogen on mice…
PFAs contamination is now everywhere. Here’s what you can do.
Feel like a detox retreat in beautiful Byron bay?
There’s a new understanding of COVID emerging. It suggests the disease attacks the immune system rather than the lungs.