Dr Brown recently published and very comprehensive post on what we can do to find out quickly about whether we have osteo or not.
Category: Uncategorized
Live in the USA? Lead in your water? Good news.. and bad.
So what does this mean? Bottom line? You may die waiting for clean water. Spend your money and take control. Buy a water filter that removes lead.
Electrolytes: Gotta have ‘em.. but why buy them?
We get a ton of questions about electrolytes. What are they? Why do we need them? How do they work with our bodies to keep them running smoothly?
Trauma, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress.
In recent years we’ve learned that PTSD is an ‘epigenetic’ condition triggered by oxidative stress. Yes, yes, I know… And what in the world does that mean?
Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize. Surely there’s a better way!
Breakthrough sanitizing WITHOUT chemicals. Already used by hundreds of hospitals, restaurants and commissaries. Now it home use size.
Can Molecular Hydrogen help us to age SLOWER?
If someone told you that drinking water daily could improve aging-related biomarkers, ie, total antioxidant capacity, advanced glycation end products, tumor necrosis factor-α, free fatty acids, and alanine aminotransferase in plasma… you’d be interested, right?
Plastics in our water. Not good enough!
Plastics in your coffee? Do you use a plastic kettle?
Help us Here at AlkaWay to Save our Beloved Birdies!
Act today and help us save our wonderful Australian birdlife!
Graphene Oxide in your drinking water? ANOTHER contaminant?
Graphene Oxide: a new water contaminant and how we MIGHT get rid of it.
Alkaline Water? Alkalinized Water? Alkalinity? WTF?
Tywon Hubbard is our alltime expert on molecular hydrogen, H2, and alkaline water. He researches to such a degree that I believe everything he says.