HVMN Ketone Esters selling like crazy since Tour De France!
Ian’s great website shares for this month!
Ian’s great takeaways from this montth’s mindless browsing.
Ian’s Fave Website Discoveries for last month.
Want to argue about climate change? This page tells you the average temperature of where you live for over the last 100 years. Timed release of turmeric slows almost to a stop bone cancer. Here’s the study. Wondering why you’re hooked on your internet? Maybe this will help explainhow information is like snacks, money and […]
It might look Green.. but is it? Really? Compostable rubbish bags.
Compostable Garbage bags. The Untold Truth.
Is a Water Filter a good $$$ Decision?
Does it make $$ Sen$e to own a water filter? This new study says YES
Cola or Fruit Juice? Is there a difference?
Cola or Fruit Juice? Is there a difference?
Coffee! Coffee! Drugs! Drugs!
“Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug and these findings suggest that changes in the ability to detect smells could be a useful index of drug dependency.”
Are You About To Be George Parker-ed?
The hidden perils of multilevel marketing
Drinking Water Mega-Crisis in California
Californian? What you can do about the latest report on contamination of your drinking water.
Europe.. you’have such good drinking water.. but…
Drinking water good, waterways, BAD! Europe’s dilemma.