Can we create a COVID Virus in a year? And should we be asked to be vaccinated by a vaccine that bypasses all the usual safety protocols? A question worth asking, and a video that tells all.

Can we create a COVID Virus in a year? And should we be asked to be vaccinated by a vaccine that bypasses all the usual safety protocols? A question worth asking, and a video that tells all.
Oxalates: An expansion of my need to stay alkaline and keep up my free radical protection. Where to find the foods that affect you.
There’s more to immunity than exposure to contagious viruses like COVID.
The air we breathe caught in a traffic jam is, simply stated, carcinogenic. The water in a vast number of our cities is, among other things, dumbing down our kids plus delivering a whole range of ápproved”carcinogens. Today there are 600+ water contaminants listed with the EPA, and the EPA has neither the time nor the resources to tell us what we should do about them.
A Naturopath’s strategy for managing the common cold. Some great tips!
Bones.. urely there must be much much more interesting things calcium does in the body. Not that having good bones isn’t imperative to health. Or is it? This naturopaths exposes the secret work of calcium in the body.
The UK government is undertaking a consultation which proposes a ban on the sale of energy drinks containing more than 150 mg of caffeine per litre to children.