Microplastics.. and now nanoplastics in our drinking water: a solution.It’s urgent. Latest studies say we are accumulating the equivalent of a credit card of microplastics in our body every month. And if that’s not an urgent call for help, I’m not sure what is!
Bottled Water: Would you really drink it?
First microplastics, now another shocker showing bottled water being removed from supermarket shelves because of excess ARSENIC!
What is worse? Spending on health now, or risking hospital later?
An investigation is underway after a cancer patient had the wrong side of his bowel removed at Sydney’s Northern Beaches Hospital last week.
Broccoli for cancer? Really?
Natural compound found in broccoli reawakens the function of potent tumor suppressor.
Cancer: Greedy for Sugar
Despite an abundance of scientific proof that sugar is cancer’s fuel of choice, there appears to be no decline in the amount of sweet foods consumed. Researchers writing in the journal Cancer Cell show how leukaemia ‘steals’ glucose from normal cells to feed its own growth. Surely this one report is sufficient ‘proof’!