Saled carze. Is it ahead of its recycling vision?

Saled carze. Is it ahead of its recycling vision?
It's become pretty obvious to me that a daily workout of 45 minutes is unnatural. We were simply not designed to endure that kind of prolonged exertion… How did that fit into hunting for food? Did our ancestors do unnecessary daily workouts? Of course not! Our ancestors had to be able to accelerate to 100% […]
Amazing song and dance.. but get ready for the finale!
Despite an abundance of scientific proof that sugar is cancer’s fuel of choice, there appears to be no decline in the amount of sweet foods consumed. Researchers writing in the journal Cancer Cell show how leukaemia ‘steals’ glucose from normal cells to feed its own growth. Surely this one report is sufficient ‘proof’!
Recently, we’ve also been supplementing our H2 intake with a new method. Inhaling molecular hydrogen is another way to access the benefits of H2 without the need to have it in water. Pundits may argue about which method is most effective, but in our view, there’s a simple rule about molecular hydrogen. More is Better!Recently, we’ve also been supplementing our H2 intake with a new method. Inhaling molecular hydrogen is another way to access the benefits of H2 without the need to have it in water. Pundits may argue about which method is most effective, but in our view, there’s a simple rule about molecular hydrogen. More is Better!
The air we breathe caught in a traffic jam is, simply stated, carcinogenic. The water in a vast number of our cities is, among other things, dumbing down our kids plus delivering a whole range of ápproved”carcinogens. Today there are 600+ water contaminants listed with the EPA, and the EPA has neither the time nor the resources to tell us what we should do about them.
It’s now been 7 years. I am 66 years old, taken no supplements, eating clean drinking about 1.5 gal of H2 per day. I work out 6 days per week and H2 is my only recovery drink.
A Naturopath’s strategy for managing the common cold. Some great tips!
Victoria’s story about how she helped her neighbour with her alkaline diet supplements.
Bones.. urely there must be much much more interesting things calcium does in the body. Not that having good bones isn’t imperative to health. Or is it? This naturopaths exposes the secret work of calcium in the body.