We’ve already talked about lead in our drinking water here in Australia. Frankly, we were rather shocked at the time when the powers that be announced that up to 6% of homes in Sydney may have the problem.

We’ve already talked about lead in our drinking water here in Australia. Frankly, we were rather shocked at the time when the powers that be announced that up to 6% of homes in Sydney may have the problem.
When the World Health Organisation decides to commit to a study on pharmaceuticals in our water, you know there’s a reason.
95% of people who invest in multilevel marketing (pyramid) schemes never recoup their initial investment. Take a look at a simple, non-electric water ionizer that outperforms electric old technology units sold via MLM in both filtration and hydrogen generation.
So far we can locate (at least) 53 known international scientific studies showing that fluoride slows development of intelligence in kids, and impairs their learning and memory capacity.