It’s now been 7 years. I am 66 years old, taken no supplements, eating clean drinking about 1.5 gal of H2 per day. I work out 6 days per week and H2 is my only recovery drink.

It’s now been 7 years. I am 66 years old, taken no supplements, eating clean drinking about 1.5 gal of H2 per day. I work out 6 days per week and H2 is my only recovery drink.
A Naturopath’s strategy for managing the common cold. Some great tips!
Victoria’s story about how she helped her neighbour with her alkaline diet supplements.
Bones.. urely there must be much much more interesting things calcium does in the body. Not that having good bones isn’t imperative to health. Or is it? This naturopaths exposes the secret work of calcium in the body.
It’s been a real problem to write a new article and have to then copy it to another website, either USA, Spain, Canada, UK, EU, Singapore, New Zealand… and so we’ve been very happy about some new software that allows me to write to you – as I am right now – and then copy it to all of our blogs worldwide, all of our facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.. even to people we really like to keep in touch with!
The UK government is undertaking a consultation which proposes a ban on the sale of energy drinks containing more than 150 mg of caffeine per litre to children.